- Take a backup of Jiffy,gus, and Mongo DB.
- Mongo DB and Postgres DB must be up and running.
- Ensure SSH connectivity to core machine (preferred method using private key).
- Connected users must have sudo privilege for root installation
- Extract the ansible-playbook tar file provided.
tar -xf jiffy-playbook.tar.gz
The extracted files include the inventory and variable.yml files in the /tmp/ folder.
- The Inventory file has to be filled as per the user environment(must have all the details of the machines, authentication methods)
- Variable file has to be filled as per the user environment(must contain all the parameters, such as, username, configurable values, mountpoint, etc.)
- Download Artifacts to a new folder under /tmp/jiffy-install in core machine.
- wget –user {username} –ask-password
- wget –user {username} –ask-password
Contact for the login credentials.
Upgrade Steps
- Stop application and functionator container as a jiffyapp-usr and remove images.
- Update the inventory file. View the sample inventory file here.
- Provide an IP or a hostname as the connection string.
The core IP can be localhost, as the playbook is executed from the Core server.
- SSH credentials must be updated in the inventory file.
- If authentication is with SSH-User and Password:
- Uncomment ansible_ssh_pass and update the password.
- Uncomment ansible_user and update ssh username.
- Comment ansible_ssh_private_key_file.
For users with sudo privilege: add ansible_sudo_pass={password}in the inventory file.
- If authentication is with SSH-User and Private-Key:
- Uncomment ansible_user and update ssh username.
- Uncomment ansible_ssh_private_key_file and update the path to private key file.
- Comment ansible_ssh_pass.
- Configure the variable.yml file in the /tmp//jiffyinstall/folder as per the corresponding environment.
- Execute the play book to begin the pre-upgrade and follow instructions on the screen.
ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/main.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml
Debug Mode
ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/main.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -v
Detailed Debug Mode
ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/main.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -vvvv
Execute the following commands as a Root user:
ansible-playbook upgrade/main.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml
Debug Mode
ansible-playbook upgrade/main.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -v
Detailed Debug Mode
ansible-playbook upgrade/main.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -vvvv
Execute the below ansible command to bootstrap application:
with masterkey prompt:
ansible-playbook jiffyconfiguration.yml -e @variable.yml
without masterkey prompt:
ansible-playbook jiffyconfiguration.yml -e masterKey=’’ -e @variable.yml
Post Upgrade
As a Root user in Jiffy core server:
- Restart nginx
- /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop
- /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx
- Keep only below two files inside $JIFFY_HOME/deploy/jiffy/src/connectors/ location.
- functions_metadata.json
- Run the following commands.
- chmod u+x
- ./