
About Filesets

Last Updated: Apr 15, 2020


Filesets are used in case of data that may not always be organized. To process such files, they can be uploaded in a group to be processed by Spark jobs under “Filesets”.

Image description

Click on the Filesets option (1) on the menu on the left-hand side to display the all the Filesets specific to the application. A More icon (3) is provided against each entry of the Fileset, that has the following options:

  • Rename: To rename the respective fileset.
  • Download: To download the fileset.
  • Delete: To delete the respective fileset.
  • Duplicate: To create a copy of the fileset.
  • Clear Content: To delete all the files within the fileset.

Create New Fileset

  1. Click on the + icon (2) to create a new fileset.
  2. Type the required fileset name in the Create File Set screen.
    Image description
  3. Click on the CREATE button to display the newly created Fileset in the Filesets list. Image description
  4. Click on the + icon to upload a file to the selected filesets.
  5. If no files are uploaded to the fileset, then the user can drag and drop the required files from the local machine onto the Filesets screen.
  6. Click on the Upload file button and then select the required file from the local machine. The files of any format can be uploaded. Image description
  7. Click on the OK button. Image description
  8. The user can delete or download the required files by clicking on the More icon against each filename.
Error Messages Description
‘File set’ name already exists, please provide a unique name If a user provides the Fileset name that already exists
Invalid ‘File set’ Name, use characters [(a-z), (A-Z), (0-9), _, -, space] If a user provides the Fileset name that contains characters other than [(a-z), (A-Z), (0-9), _, -, space]
Please input up to 50 characters If the length of the Fileset name exceeds 50 characters
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