
About Local Variables


In Jiffy, Local variables are variables that are created and used within the Node for assigning values and using them within the Node itself. They are created under actions pane of the respective event action. They cannot be used outside the current Node.

To make them available outside the current Node, mark them as output variables and map them to the next node.

Creating Local Variables

Local Variables can be created in the Actions tab of the UI nodes itself.

The color of the V icon indicates if the value is a constant or variable. Click on the V icon to switch between the two.

Image description

  • Constant: If the background of the V icon is white in color (1), then it is a constant. Type in the constant value in the text box.
  • Variable: If the background of the V icon is green in color (2), then it is a variable.

Read about creating local variables here.

Read about using variables here.

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