
SAP With Login & Logoff Nodes


The following sample task is created using the SAP, Login, Logoff, and Validator nodes to automate the following process:

  1. Log in to a machine.
  2. Perform SAP automation.
  3. Validate the data in the SAP.
  4. Log off from the machine.

Do the following to automate the above process:

  1. In the Task Design screen, click on the << icon present on the right-hand side toolbar to expand the Nodes section.
  2. Drag and drop the SAP, Login, Logoff, and Validator nodes and align them in the following order: Image description

    Make sure that the Task Design screen is in Edit mode (the Edit button must be highlighted in green colour).

  3. Double-click on the Login node and specify the porperties. Image description
  4. Double-click on the SAP node and specify the porperties. Image description
  5. Familiarize the SAP application and edit the lines of action that are recorded to finetune the performance of the SAP application as required. Read how to familiarize here. Image description
  6. Double-click on the Validator node and specify the porperties.
    Image description
  7. Click on the Actions tab of the Validator node to set up the validation rules. Image description
  8. Double-click on the line between the Validator and the SAP nodes to view the Edit Mapping Data window.
  9. Select the SAP node in the dropdown(1). Select the fields to be mapped (2) from the left hand send section, click on the ADD button (3). Now the data is mapped to the Validator node (4). Image description
  10. Double-click on the Logoff node and specify the porperties.
    Image description
  11. To execute the task, click on the Execute In Cluster option in the More menu. Image description
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