
Generate Thumbnail

Last Updated: Nov 4, 2020


Use this function to generate the thumbnail to the given remote image and downloads the image to the given location.


Generate Thumbnail (subscription_key, service_url, image_url, width, height, location)


Input Parameter Name Description
subscription_key Azure cognitive service computer vision subscription key
service_url Computer vision endpoint
image_url Remote image URL
width Width of the thumbnail
height Height of the thumbnail
location Thumbnail path in client machine


Return Value Description
  • On Success: 1, Path and Size of the thumbnail
  • On Failure: 0, Error Message


Generate Thumbnail (123456abcs, https: //, https: //, , , C:\Invoices)

  • Uses the subscription_key ‘123456abcs’ to connect to the service ‘https: //’, generates a thumbnail of the remote image ‘https: //’ with width “ and height ” and saves it in the path ‘C:\Invoices’.
    Returns the ‘Path and Size of the thumbnail’.

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