
Find Page Number With Occurrence Of Dictionary Item


Use this function to find the page number of the text that is matching with one of the values in the given column of a table.


Find Page Number With Occurrence Of Dictionary Item (fid, dictionary_table, column_name, occurrence)


Input Parameter Name Description
fid OutputXmlFID from the Doc reader node
dictionary_table Table that contains the search keywords
occurrence Occurrence of the pattern
column_name Name of the column that contains the search keywords


Find Page Number With Occurrence Of Dictionary Item (ee239b1e-0cf3-4292-8598-803a85f7727d, Table 1, ID, Example)

  • Finds the page number on which the dictionary items in the table ‘Table 1’ occur for the 2nd time in the column ‘Example’ in the file ‘ee239b1e-0cf3-4292-8598-803a85f7727d’.


Return Value Description
Page number Page number on which the item is present

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