
Insert data into a Jiffy Table


Use this function to insert data into Jiffy table.


Insert data into a Jiffy table (Jiffy_table_name, Column_name, Data)


Input Parameter Name Description
Jiffy_table_name Data Table Variable
Column_name Column Names
Data Data passed can be either constant or variable where the data is stored

  • The Jiffy table name and Columns names provided must match with the names in the Dataset and are case sensitive.
  • Both data and column names must be comma-separated.
  • Data for each column must be in the same order as the columns.


Return value Description
UUID Returns UUID of the inserted row


Insert data into a Jiffy table (Customer, CustomerName, City, Country, Cardinal, Stavanger, Norway)

  • Inserts ‘Cardinal,’ Stavanger’, Norway’ data into ‘CustomerName’,’ City’,’ Country’ columns in the Customer table and returns UUID of the inserted record.

To view all the Table functions, click here.

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