Last Updated: Dec 10, 2020
The following functions can be used to automate Text related tasks:
Functions | Description |
Capitalize | Use this function to capitalize the first character of the input string |
Collapse whitespaces | Use this function to collapse sequences of white space into a single character and trim string |
Concat | Use this function to concatenate the two strings |
Contains | Use this function to check if the search string is present in the input string |
Ends With | Use this function to check if the input string ends with the search string |
Get Alphanumeric Characters From String | Use this function to get the alphanumeric characters (either an alphabet or a number) from the input string |
Char At | Use this function to get the character from the String at the given index |
Index Of | Use this function to get the first index of the search string in the input string |
Is AlphaNumeric | Use this function to check if all the characters in the input string are alphanumeric or not |
Is Alpha Or Not | Use this function to check if all the characters in the input string are alphabetic or not |
Is Lowercase | Use this function to check that all the alphabets in the input string are lowercase or not |
Is Numeric | Use this function to check that all the characters in the input string are digits or not |
Is Uppercase | Use this function to check that all the alphabets in the input string are uppercase or not |
Last Index Of | Use this function to get the last index of the search string in the input string |
Length | Use this function to get the length of the input string |
Replace The Word | Use this function to replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring in the input string |
Slice | Use this function to slice the input string |
Split A String With Character | Use this function to split a input string at the specified separator |
Starts With | Use this function to check if the input string starts with the given search string |
Substring | Use this function to get a new string that is a substring of the input string |
To Lowercase | Use this function to convert all the characters of the input string to lowercase |
To Uppercase | Use this function to convert all the characters of the input string to uppercase |
Trim | Use this function to remove all the whitespace from both sides of the input string |