


The following functions can be used to automate Text related tasks:

Functions Description
Capitalize Use this function to capitalize the first character of the input string
Collapse whitespaces Use this function to collapse sequences of white space into a single character and trim string
Concat Use this function to concatenate the two strings
Contains Use this function to check if the search string is present in the input string
Ends With Use this function to check if the input string ends with the search string
Get Alphanumeric Characters From String Use this function to get the alphanumeric characters (either an alphabet or a number) from the input string
Char At Use this function to get the character from the String at the given index
Index Of Use this function to get the first index of the search string in the input string
Is AlphaNumeric Use this function to check if all the characters in the input string are alphanumeric or not
Is Alpha Or Not Use this function to check if all the characters in the input string are alphabetic or not
Is Lowercase Use this function to check that all the alphabets in the input string are lowercase or not
Is Numeric Use this function to check that all the characters in the input string are digits or not
Is Uppercase Use this function to check that all the alphabets in the input string are uppercase or not
Last Index Of Use this function to get the last index of the search string in the input string
Length Use this function to get the length of the input string
Replace The Word Use this function to replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring in the input string
Slice Use this function to slice the input string
Split A String With Character Use this function to split a input string at the specified separator
Starts With Use this function to check if the input string starts with the given search string
Substring Use this function to get a new string that is a substring of the input string
To Lowercase Use this function to convert all the characters of the input string to lowercase
To Uppercase Use this function to convert all the characters of the input string to uppercase
Trim Use this function to remove all the whitespace from both sides of the input string
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