
Task Execution

Last Updated: Apr 21, 2020


After a task is designed, click on the Trial Run icon on the Task Design Canvas to run the task in the design mode. When a task is being executed, the nodes in the task keep changing the colors to show the different states of execution they are currently in.

Image description

  1. Neutral: This node is currently at rest.
  2. Success: This node has executed successfully. It is represented in green color.
  3. Partial Success: This node has one or more skipped iterations. It is represented in pear green color.
  4. In Progress: This node is currently being executed. It is represented in grey color.
  5. Continue on Failure: The task execution has continued after this node has failed. It is represented in amber color.
  6. Failure: The execution of this node has failed. It is represented in red color.

Result Of Execution Window

After the task has finished execution, click on the highlighted icon present below the node to display the Result of execution window of the node.

Image description

The Result of execution window has the following tabs:

  • Input: The list of input variables from the previous node which is mapped to the current node.
  • Output: The list of output variable which are generated after the execution of the current node. These variables can be mapped to the next node. Image description
  • Run Info: The information on the current node such as Run ID, Configuration, Machine details, Cluster details, time taken for the task to execute, etc.
  • Step Data: The complete details of the steps that are designed inside the node, the status of UI event, values of the variables. Image description
  • Formatted Output: The data of the output variable in a tabular manner if the variable is of datatable type.
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