Release Notes

Release 4.8.8

Release date : Dec 9, 2022


New connector node for Operative One : Introduced a new node for Operative One API automation, 3 APIs are added as predefined commands.

Email nodes: Introduced App vault support in Graph API protocols configuration on Email nodes, JFS-8202.

Connector nodes: Introduced a new predefined function "Get Order details of an Opportunity” in Adpoint connector node.

Predefined functions: Introduced a new predefined function named "Log message" for logging custom messages in Kibana.

Added more python packages in the Functionator module.

Bug Fixes

Handwritten node: The issue related to the failure of the handwritten node with an error message stating "500 internal" has been resolved, JFS-8369.

Secure vault: Fixed the issue that vault keys cannot share with new users, JFS- 7647.

Predefined function: The issue with the "Document instance split" failing in some documents has been fixed, JFS-7513, JFS-7377.

Logs maintenance: The Kubernetes Pods logs not appearing in Kibana has been fixed JFS-8134.

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