Last Updated: May 10, 2022
FreeWheel’s TV and video advertising technology is built for today’s ever-evolving multiscreen ecosystem. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, we offer all the tools, data, and insights you need to drive results. FreeWheel’s platform makes TV and video advertising work.
Ensure that the Prerequisites for Twilio Node are set up before executing the functions.
The following functions are available for use in the Freewheel connector node:
Functions | Description |
List Advertisers | The function returns list of advertisers |
List Placements | The function returns list of placements |
Update Placement | The function updates a placement |
List Standard and Custom Ad Units | The function returns list of standard and custom ad units |
List Ad Unit Packages | The function returns list of ad unit packages |
List Ad Unit Groups | The function returns list of ad unit groups |
Get Creative Instance | The function returns creative instance details |
List Creative Instances | The function returns list of creative instances |
Create a Creative Instance | The function will create a creative instance |
Activate a Creative Instance | The function activates a creative instance |
Update a Creative Instance | The function updates a creative instance |
Deactivate a Creative Instance | Deactivate a Creative Instance |
Delete a Creative Instance | The function deletes a creative instance |
Create a Creative Metric | The function creates a creative metric |
Update a Creative Metric | The function updates a creative metric |
Delete a Creative Metric | The function deletes a creative metric |
Create Creatives and Renditions | The function creates creatives and renditions |
Update Creatives and Renditions via Creative ID | The function updates creatives and renditions via creative id |
Update Creatives and Renditions via External ID | The function updates creatives and renditions via external id |
Show Creatives and Renditions | The function returns the details of creatives and renditions |
List Creatives and Renditions | The function return list of creatives and renditions |
Append Renditions | The function deactivates a creative instance |
Update Management Renditions | The function deletes a creative instance |
Delete Creatives | The function creates a creative metric |
Delete Creative Renditions | The function updates a creative metric |
Create Deals | The function deletes a creative metric |
Update Deals | The function creates creatives and renditions |
Get a Deal | The function updates creatives and renditions via creative id |
Activate Deals | Activate Deals |
Deactivate Deals | The function returns the details of creatives and renditions |
Retrieve Programmatic Creatives | The function updates creatives and renditions via external id |
Update Programmatic Creatives | The function return list of creatives and renditions |
Buyer List | The function return list of creatives and renditions |
Deal List | The function updates creatives and renditions via creative id |
List Programmatic Creatives | The function returns the details of creatives and renditions |