
Functions - FAQs

Last Updated: Mar 8, 2023


  1. While downloading file using Download from Server function, the file name is trimmed, and hence the file name is changed. How can I avoid this?
    While using Download from Server function, where filename exceeds 256 characters in it, the filename is trimmed to 256 characters while the file is downloaded to the machine. To have the filenames as is, enable the Windows Long Path by following the steps mentioned here.
  2. The function “insert into jiffy table” allows developer to insert values to jiffy table using a function. When a table has multiple columns to be insert, it can be specified by the column name separated by comma. It is the same for the value. When the value is a constant, it works fine. However, if I change it to variable, I am only allowed to pick one variable. How do i pick multiple variables?
    We don’t have the functionality to assign multiple variables to a function parameter in Jiffy.
    Similarly, if the data is passed as a Data table with constant column names, “Insert Data into a Jiffy Table” function cannot be used.
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