
Login/Logoff Nodes

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2023


This issue is because of few registry entries in the RDP might be missing.

  1. You can check if values are present in ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client’ and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\LocalDevices’ key in registry.
  2. If the values are not present, run ‘’ C:\Jiffy\client-side\Automation\UIAutomation\ChromeExtension\AddRegistry_TSClient.exe” as Admin and restart the RDP.
  3. If folder is not accessible, then run below exe as admin in that rdp and restart. Download the AddRegistry_TSClient.exe from here.

The issue arises as the Login node continues attempting to access the deleted bot in the cluster.
Remove the deleted machine from the Cluster.
Remove the login node and add a new login node with new cluster configuration.

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