


Slack is essentially a chat room for the whole company, designed to replace email as the primary method of communication and sharing.

Ensure that the Prerequisites for Slack Node are set up before executing the functions.

The following functions are available for use in the Slack connector node:

Functions Description
Archive Conversation Archives a conversation in Slack
Create Conversation Creates a new conversation in Slack with the given valid details
Download File Downloads a given file from slack server
Invite To Channel Invites users to the given channel
Join Conversation Joins channel in Slack to converse
Leave Conversation Leaves a conversation in Slack
Remove From Channel Removes users from the given channel
Rename Conversation Renames a conversation in Slack with the given new name
Send Message Posts a given message to the provided channel
Send Reply Replies to the given message
Unarchive Conversation Unarchives a conversation in Slack
Upload File Uploads a given file to Slack with the given title
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