Files transfer node allows the user to send files to given Server/location and receive files from specified server/location using File Transfer Protocol(FTP).
Configuration for File Transfer Node
- Click the File Transfer node to open the attributes pane.
- In Configurations tab, enter the following details:
- Enter the following details:
- Configuration Name: Name for the configuration.
- Protocol: Protocol type of of the connection.
- Server URL: Server URL or IP address of the FTP.
- Port: Port number to establish the connection with the server.
- Anonymous: Check this option if you wish to upload or download files anonymously.
- Check this OFF and specify the Username and Password to upload or download files.
- Requires Proxy: Check this option if you wish to use a proxy server to upload or download files. If checked ON, specify the following details:
- Proxy Server URL: Server URL or IP address of the FTP.
- Proxy Port: Port number to accept the incoming traffic.
- Proxy Username: Username to connect to the FTP.
- Proxy Password: Password of the connection.
- Click the SAVE button to create the configuration.
Upload/Add XML Template
Template is skeleton of the XML structure required by the respective File Transfer mode. It enables to pass data from the previous node to the File Transfer node.
An XML template can be created or uploaded in the File tab of the attributes pane.
Add XML Template
- Click the + icon.
- Enter Name and Description.
- Click the Select file button and select the XML file from the file manager window.
- Click the SAVE/UPLOAD button.
- Click the
icon to upload a new file as the template.
- Click the
icon to view the template.
- Click the
icon to delete the template.
Properties of File Transfer Node
- Navigate to Properties and enter Name and Description.
- Enable Mark run Failure on Node Fail option as required.
- Specify the following details:
- Mode: Specify whether to SEND or RECEIVE the files using the drop down.
- Input XML Template: Select the input XML template. Click the
icon to view the selected template.
This field is displayed when the SEND mode is selected.
- Output XML Template: Select the output XML template. Click the
icon to view the selected template.
This field is displayed when the RECEIVE mode is selected.
- Remote Path: Path to send/recieve the file, along with the file name.
Result of Execution in File Transfer Node
After executing the task, the Result of Execution window displays the following tabs:
- Output: Execution status and output of the node execution are displayed.
- Run Info: The information of the run such as Run ID, Sequence Number, Iteration ID, Iteration Start Time, Iteration End Time, Iteration Time(in seconds), and Total Node Execution Time(in seconds) are displayed.