
Command Line Installation


Command line installation is installation of Jiffy Client from Command prompt.

The six modes of Installation and the components installed are as follows:

Mode Components
Complete Mode All the jiffy components will be installed without connectors
Execution Mode UI learn and connectors will not be installed
Designer Mode Login agent and connectors will not be installed
Complete Mode with Connectors All the jiffy components and connectors will be installed
Execution mode with connectors UI learn will not be installed
Designer mode with connectors Login agent will not be installed

Complete Mode

  1. Download the client from Task design page.
  2. Open command prompt from downloaded client location.
  3. Change the directory to JiffyInstaller folder and execute the following command:

Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe /S /MODE=complete / /LICENSEID=b7d4d154-d721-44e6-a201-ae8a9acc1xxxx /REBOOT=YES

JIFFYDN is the Jiffy URL and LICENSEID is the license id of the tenant provided in JIFFYDN

  • REBOOT = YES: the system will reboot automatically after installation of build.
  • REBOOT = NO: system will not reboot.

Execution Mode

  1. Download the client from Task design page.
  2. Open command prompt from downloaded client location.
  3. Change the Directory to JiffyInstaller folder and execute the following command:

Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe /S /MODE=execution / /LICENSEID=b7d4d154-d721-44e6-a201-ae8a9acc1axxx /REBOOT=YES

Designer Mode

  1. Download the client from Task design page.
  2. Open command prompt from downloaded client location.
  3. Change the Directory to JiffyInstaller folder and execute the following command:

Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe /S /MODE=designer / /LICENSEID=b7d4d154-d721-44e6-a201-ae8a9acc1xxxx /REBOOT=YES

Complete Mode with Connectors

  1. Download the client from Task design page.
  2. Open command prompt from downloaded client location.
  3. Change the Directory to JiffyInstaller folder and execute the following command:

Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe /S /MODE=complete /CONNECTORS=jira,slack,twilio,salesforce,dropbox,aws,msvision,gsuite /REBOOT=YES /LICENSEID=b7d4d154-d721-44e6-a201-ae8a9acc1xxxx /

Execution Mode with Connectors

  1. Download the client from Task design page.
  2. Open command prompt from downloaded client location.
  3. Change the Directory to JiffyInstaller folder and execute the following command:

Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe /S /MODE=execution /CONNECTORS=jira,slack,twilio,salesforce,dropbox,aws,msvision,gsuite /REBOOT=YES /LICENSEID=b7d4d154-d721-44e6-a201-ae8a9acc1xxx /

Designer Mode with Connectors

  1. Download the client from Task design page.
  2. Open command prompt from downloaded client location.
  3. Change the Directory to JiffyInstaller folder and execute the following command:

Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe /S /MODE=designer /CONNECTORS=jira,slack,twilio,salesforce,dropbox,aws,msvision,gsuite /REBOOT=YES /LICENSEID=b7d4d154-d721-44e6-a201-ae8a9acc1xxx /

Command to install connectors after installation of jiffy client from UI:

Open cmd from C:\jiffyservice and execute the following command:

  1. For all Connector Installation: C:\jiffyservice\update.bat connectors=salesforce,jira,gsuite,slack,twilio,msvision,aws,dropbox.
  2. For single connector installation: C:\jiffyservice\update.bat connectors=salesforce

No pop-ups should appear in middle of installation and in case of any errors or installation getting struck or to know the progress of installation navigate to C:\jiffyservice\Jiffy-Client folder and open the file install.

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