

Last Updated: May 10, 2022


Facing the error "Failed to export file. object ... not found" while exporting an App. Image description

This error occurs when the object is no more available.

  1. Check if the object listed in the error is deleted. In this error screenshot, it mentions table OutputPayoutTabe is not found.
  2. Delete the table from the presentation and export the App.

Import failed during dataset migration

Image description

This issue happens when the history of schema is different.
Make sure that the schema history is the same, before the table migration

Import is failing with "Error writing mode with value REPLACENo matching property definition:MODE=REPLACE..." error Image description

This error happens because of corrupted datasheet and jiffy table.

  1. Delete the corrupt datasheet and jiffy table.
  2. Try importing again.

It is possible to encounter permission-related issues when renaming an app's category. However, a permanent solution will be available in upcoming versions of the Jiffy application.

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